Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I missed posting yesterday.
It wasn't a great day.
Due to the fact that my juicer broke I'm not going to be able to go on a juice fast.
So instead I'm on a 100% raw fruit&veggie fast.
No more than 300 cals a day.
My love says I'm not allowed to drink if I don't eat.
So I may or may not be drinking during my fast.

Today was pretty good.
My mom and sisters (all but 2) left for 3 weeks which was sad.
But I will be able to lose weight without my family worrying or commenting.
I am bummed though.
They are pretty awesome.
I went to the store today and got enough fruits and veggies for my fast.
And soy milk.
I also bought a pair of extra small pants from Victoria's Secret online.
They will be here in about a week.
My goal is to be small enough to fit in them when they come.

1 comment:

Ana's Girl said...

Fruits and veggies only sounds every bit as good as a juice fast. Stay strong, and i know you'll be small enough to be able to fit those XS pants... as well as small enough to make everyone who sees you jealous!